Need a whole house filter system for your Boerne or San Antonio residence? Then Boerne Water Softener Pros is the right company to call on. Whether you need us for installations, repairs, or replacements, we are always ready to serve you well. The search for high quality water is usually the reason why many people seek for a water filtration system. But then, what exactly are you filtering your water for? What are the things this filter removes from your water? What are the effects the water filtration system will have on the water running in your home? If you'll be installing the whole house filter system inside your home, then it's only right that you know the benefits you stand to enjoy as well as the things you need to expect.
The journey water undergoes from the treatment plant to your home is a long one. On this journey, water is liable to pick up a handful of other substances. Now, depending on where you reside in the South Texas area, your water might be picking up a lot of contaminants than those staying in other areas. When you have a filter system, you are protected against all these extra substances. If you are looking to make your water exceedingly great for laundry, bathing, drinking, and many more household uses, then it's best to install a whole house water treatment system as it would help attack these obstacles before, they get into your home.
Your tap water houses a lot of harmful contaminants. The whole house water filter can help you reduce and remove them. For instance, municipal water contains fluoride, which is usually added because of its oral benefits; however, this element can do a lot of damages to the human body. Whole house filters are also capable of removing chlorine, aluminum, lead, as well as DBPs (disinfection byproducts) from your water. When water travels from the water treatment plant to your home, it usually leaves there free of lead. But the water needs to pass through old pipes before it gets to your home. This toxic metal can be gotten from these pipes, which means there's a big chance of you consuming lead with your water. The consumption of lead can be really detrimental to the human health. It causes growth and development delay in children, and causes blood pressure as well as kidney problems in adults.
If your tap water isn't filtered, there's a chance it contains aluminum. And aluminum is one of the contributors to learning disabilities in children, Alzheimer's disease, skin problems, and more. Most people disinfect tap water with chlorine. What they don't know is that the chlorine doesn't go away from your water. Now, it's true that if consumed in small quantities, chlorine won’t have any effect on your health, but that doesn't mean that it's safe. If chlorinated water is used to bath or used for cleaning, it can cause irritation to the skin. It can also irritate and dry out the eyes. A conventional house water filter system can help you get rid of about 97 percent of the chlorine in your water.
Fortunately, the maintenance of a filter system isn't very difficult. With little help from one of our expert technicians, you should be able to get through with it. Each and every one of them has its own unique features and components. And you'll notice that there are differences in models and brands, and some will even offer upgrades in order for you to get more benefits. Therefore, in order to know what to expect from your water filter, it is essential that you understand the features of your filter's model.
Our proficient team of experts at Boerne Water Softener Pros provides our customers with complete solutions for the best, most quality house filter systems. The systems provided by our staff are the best you can find on the market today, and they are built to withstand the test of time while offering you low maintenance benefits. If you have any questions at all, or if you're interested in learning more about our other water treatment options, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Boerne Water Softener Pros.